The Northern Association of the Penn Central Conference of the United Church of Christ
Worship in the Northern Association
Palm Sunday, March 28
In Person:
- Palm Sunday (Indoors) with Covid protocols at Trinity UCC, Centre Hall
- Location: Trinity UCC, 104 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Centre Hall, PA
- Masking, distancing, and 50% capacity. Reservations required, see contact information below.
- Contact:, or 814-364-2120
- On-demand video available after the service at the church’s website
Livestreamed Video:
- Streamed and Phone Palm/Passion Sunday with Palms and reading of the Passion of St. Luke
- Brush Valley Fusion of Faith
- 8:45 AM
- Facebook Live:
- Phone in option at (609) 663-4205. Phone Line opens at 8:30 AM.
- Stream available on demand after the live service
- Palm Sunday Worship
- St. John’s UCC, Boalsburg
- 10:00 AM
- Zoom:
- Meeting ID: 834 0020 7734
- Passcode 845608
- To join by phone 929 205 6099
On-Demand Video
- Nittany Valley Charge
- You Tube Channel: Nittany Valley Charge UCC
Phone Worship
- Palm Sunday Worship at St. John’s Boalsburg (above)
- Streamed and Phone Palm/Passion Sunday with Palms and reading of the Passion of St. Luke
- 8:45 AM
- (609) 663-4205. Phone Line opens at 8:30 AM.
Holy Week Events
- Daily 15 minute devotional via phone and FB Live
- Scripture, prayer, meditation
- Based on The Last Week by Borg & Crossan
- 8:00 AM daily
- (609) 663-4205
- Facebook Live, subscribe to
- Passion Stations (self-guided, walk through)St. Peter’s Lutheran, Basement
- Sponsored by Brush Valley Fusion of Faith (includes St. Peter’s UCC, Rebersburg and Christ UCC, Madisonburg)
- 9 AM to 9 PM
- Covid protocols. You must remained masked, socially distance, and must sanitize your hands before the experience (which involves touching)
Maundy Thursday
- Maundy Thursday Service, on-demand video
- Nittany Valley Charge
- You Tube Channel: Nittany Valley Charge UCC
- Footwashing and Communion service, in person
- Trinity UCC, 20 Oak St, Lewistown
- 7:00 PM
- Maundy Thursday Service, streaming video and phone
- Brush Valley Fusion of Faith, from St. Peter’s UCC, Rebersburg
- 7:00 PM
- (609) 663-4205. Phone Line opens at 6:45 PM
Good Friday
- Passion Stations (self-guided, walk through)
- St. Peter’s Lutheran, Basement. Sponsored by Brush Valley Fusion of Faith (includes St. Peter’s UCC, Rebersburg and Christ UCC, Madisonburg)
- 9 AM to 9 PM
- Covid protocols. You must remained masked, socially distance, and must sanitize your hands before the experience (which involves touching)
- Streamed walkthrough via FB Live
- 3:00 PM Good Friday
- Walkthrough will be available on FB Live after the fact
- Tenebrae Service of Shadows, streamed via FB Live
- Brush Valley Fusion of Faith, including St. Peter’s UCC, Rebersburg and Christ UCC, Madisonburg.
- 7:00 PM
- (609) 663-4205. Phone Line opens at 6:45 PM
- Good Friday Tenebrae, in person
- Trinity UCC, 20 Oak St, Lewistown
- 7:00 PM
- Good Friday on-demand video service
- Nittany Valley Charge
- You Tube Channel: Nittany Valley Charge UCC
Easter Sunday
In Person:
- Easter Sunrise Service (Outdoors) with Covid Protocols, Brush Valley Fusion of Faith (St. Peter’s UCC, Rebersburg and Christ UCC Madisonburg.)
- Location: Cemetery at Emmanuel Methodist Church, Town Lane and North Ally, Rebersburg
- Time: 7:00 AM
- Masking and distancing required.
- Contact: Julie Holm 814-349-5515 or
- Easter Service (Indoors) with Covid protocols at Trinity UCC, Centre Hall
- Location: Trinity UCC, 104 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Centre Hall, PA
- Time 10:45 AM
- Masking, distancing, and 50% capacity. Reservations required, see contact information below.
- Contact:, or 814-364-2120
- Easter Services in the Nittany Valley Charge
- Location: Emmanuel UCC, Jacksonville (Howard, PA)
- Location: Mt. Bethel UCC, Lamar, PA
- For more information contact Cindy Killinger
- Easter Service
- Emmanuel Union, Tusseyville, PA: 20 Oak St., Centre Hall
- 9:00 AM
- Easter Service
- Trinity UCC, 20 Oak St, Lewistown, PA
- 10:30 AM
Online Streamed Video Services
- Easter Sunday Worship
- St. John’s UCC, Boalsburg
- 10:00 AM
- Zoom: Meeting ID: 834 0020 7734
- Passcode 845608
- To join by phone 929 205 6099
- Easter Sunday Worship (Lutheran Tradition)
- Brush Valley Fusion of Faith
- 8:45 AM
- Facebook Live:
- Phone in option at (609) 663-4205. Phone Line opens at 8:30 AM.
- Stream available on demand after the live service
Phone Services
- Easter Service
- Brush Valley Fusion of Faith, Rebersburg and Madisonburg
- 8:45 AM
- (609) 663-4205. Phone Line opens at 8:30 AM.
- Also on Facebook Live (see above)
- Easter Service
- St. John’s UCC, Boalsburg
- 10:00 AM
- (929) 205-6099
- Also on Zoom (see above)